Canaday Reunion 2010 - May 29th & 30th, 2010

May 29th & 30th, 2010

Canaday 1st Cousins Get together


Canaday Reunion

On Saturday, May 29th, all the 1st cousins headed to the Hideout in Marion, IL for a nice time of dinner and visiting. It had been many years since this group had hung out at Grandma Canaday's for playing and fun. So it was time to relive those memories and yes, they did. Those that attended were Weldon and Angie Stubbs (daughter of Kathy Canaday Seymour); Richard and Sheryl Georgas (daughter of Fred Canaday); Todd Canaday (son of Fred Canaday); Dan and Marcia Escobar (daughter of Fred Canaday); Tom and Vickie Storm (daughter of Myrna Newemham); Mark and Paula Daeka (daughter of Steve Canaday) and Bob and Debe Canaday (son of Gerald Canaday). We all had so much fun - we should do it every year. lol Or at least every other year. (After the get together, Todd, Bob and I picked Micah up at the hotel and headed to Applebees for 1/2 price appetizers and UFC fighting. lol ) OH, as always, a reminder that if there is a photo that is small and you would like to see it bigger/better, just click on the photo and it will enlarge. But remember to click the back button once you are done since clicking the X will only close the blog.

Just the 1st cousins.
After a so so night's sleep, it was off to Arrowhead Campground for the entire Canaday Family's reunion. Last year our "normal" pavilion had been hit by a big storm collapsing the entire thing. This year - a brand new one with more ceiling fans. Very nice. In the below photo you will see some of the great-grandkids of Gerald and Sue Canaday. (Aiden and Denali Canaday also with Adam and Rachel Conrey)
As everyone started showing up, the grills were heated up and the cooks went to "their" kitchens." Yes, I did the cooking for our clan. lol

With the meat all cooked - time to eat. Everyone grabbed a table with whichever family they wanted to eat with. Some ate with their immediate family that they don't see very often, and some ate with other parts of the Canaday Family. Below left is the Fred Canaday family while on the right is the Steve Canaday family.

On the left you will find the Kathy Canaday Seymour family along with a daughter of Fred Canaday's. On the right - the grandkids table. (Kathy Seymours grandkids and Fred Canaday grandkids)

Below you find a combination of many. lol On the left, Marsha Canaday Cochran family, Myrna Canaday Newenham, a daughter of Fred Canaday's and part of the Gerald Canaday Family. On the right, more of the Gerald Canaday family.

In the below photos are the Don Canaday Family. Don's father and the father of Gerald/Fred/Steve/Myrna/Marsha/Kathy are brothers.

And on the left, great-grandkids of Gerald Canaday while on the right is more of Gerald Canaday's family.

Two of the big desserts this year was Sue's famous Peach Cobbler. So so so so good. And someone made this hot lava chocolate cake which was also delicious. We did miss the annual Strawberry shortcake but had plenty of good desserts to make us stuffed.
One of the big traditions that takes place each year is the Annual Canaday Reunion Washer Tournment. It has become a big thing with a mens and womens tournament now. I have to admit, the guys take is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to serious, kicking us women to the not so serious but fun side of the tournament. Of course, the guys have 2 areas set up for them and they play longer games (more points to be made) while the women only have one place to throw and play only to 11. In the below pictures, you will see the plaque given to the winners (the guy gets to take it for the year but must put their name and the women's name on it lol). Also check out the photo of one of the games. As you can see, the guys are good. They obviously practice all year long for the chance of having this plaque for the year. lol

The above right photo shows the two participates that were in the championship match. (Dan Escobar and Bob Canaday) While the below photos show the winners. For the men's tournament, winner was Dan Escobar and the women's tournament was won by Sharon Kendall, guest of Don Canaday.

As the tournament went on over many hours of the day - others took time to visit or just watch the matches. Some could be found sleeping in their chairs (Ok guys, I didn't post the photos lol)

In the left photo is the three sons (Steve, Gerald and Fred Canaday) having a chat while other photos are of play time for the little ones.

In 2009, I took my grandson walking around the lake for some photos. So this year, it was time to take the grand-daughter. Below is Denali enjoying the rocks, sticks, and what she thinks are flowers.

On the drive back home and through Johnson City, you could see that they had already started preparing the town for the big Memorial Day festivities. Flags already at half mast to honor those lives that were lost for our Freedom. Memorial Day is a day to remember those that gave their lives for our country. Our Freedom!!! Some really gave it all - their lives!!

Thanks for visiting our blog for this family event. Those that know us know that family is very important and we try to participate every time we can with the family events. This reunion is part of it and having the cousins get together just made it even more fun. Thanks again and hope you enjoyed seeing that side of us also.