CHRISTmas 2010
Cartwright CHRISTmas - Dec 18th, 2010
Canaday's CHRISTmas - Dec 24th, 2010
OUR CHRISTmas - Dec 25th, 2010
First I want to share photos from our CHRISTmas trees in our home. Above is two of the grandkids, Aiden and Denali, in front of the Hearth Room Apple tree. Below, the two trees are very special to me. The one on the left is our "travel" tree. All the ornaments have been picked up from our travels. On the right is our "family" tree filled with ornaments the kids have made during their lives and/or was given them at school parties. (reminder - if anyone wants to see one of the smaller photos bigger, just click on the photo. but remember to click on the back arrow to go back to the blog)
The below trees are (left) Micah's sports tree complete with the St. Louis Cardinals red. The tree on the right is a military tree. This tree was made by myself and sent to our son Chris while he was away in IRAQ. Complete with miniture dog tags, soldiers, guns, yellow ribbons and of course an American Flag on the top. Very very Special.
This year we bought two new trees making our total now eleven. Yes eleven. You read that right. So the grand-daughter, Denali and grand-daughters of the future have a pink tree while the grandson Aiden picked a black tree for him and the other grandsons and/or future grandsons.
The tree (below left) is again, our Hearth room "Apple" tree while in the right photo you can see the kitchen eating area also decorated. The chairs to the table are covered with chair covers of Santas, Snowmen, and a couple Moose.
As you continue to the kitchen, the counter chairs also have Santa covers on them while in the right photo you can see Aiden and Denali as they stand in front of the Precious Moment tree found in the Great Room.
And in the Library you will find just a typical CHRISTmas tree decorated with random ornaments. The trees not pictured are another tree that came back from Iraq with our son Chris and a white CHRISTmas tree found in our garage apartment.
The following photos are from CHRISTmas decorations found all around the house. On Dec 17th - we drove down to Tennessee for our CHRISTmas with the Cartwright's. Below are some photos from that celebration. (First photo is Aiden/Denali in front of Joyce Cartwright Lawrence's tree) Below photo of Betty Cartwright and three of her daughters. (Joyce, Diana & Debe. Cindy had already left). Then more photos of the family. In the above photos you can see the beach tote bags made for my sisters for an upcoming cruise with our MOM. Below are shirts made for the husbands since they do not get to go. lol One side of the shirt does have a photo of each of the husbands/ with their wive (my sister) but on the back - they get the crying face. lol