Simmons Reunion/KY Trip - Sept 4 - 7, 2009

Kentucky/Tennessee Trip

September 4th - 7th, 2009

It was all about family!!!!!!
(well we did have to add some excitement with it for Bob! lol)

  • Bob and I loaded the car and headed out for a weekend of family reunions. First stop, Micah's college to pick him up followed by a stop in Cape Giraudeau for another college student, Micah's girlfriend, Chelcy. Ryans Steakhouse was picked for dinner and then we were back on the road. Saturday was our first big day. It was The Mary Lee Simmons Reunion and my mom's 70th birthday. So I got up, had breakfast and started getting my food ready. Mary Lee Beard Simmons is the oldest daughter of Eugene and Ollie Beard. There would be 14 kids born to Eugene and Ollie with 11 of them living past childhood. Mary Lee Simmons had five children. Paul Duncan, James Morris, Martha Sue Morris Wiseman, Betty Morris Cartwright and Charles Morris. We started having this reunion a few years back and since then, we have lost all of my mom's siblings. So it is important to have this reunion. We continue to have this reunion, every other year, to keep our families close and not forgotten. Below are photos of the families that attended the Mary Lee Simmons Reunion.

    Of course the above photo is Me and Bob, with my youngest son Micah, his girlfriend Chelcy, my oldest son Eric and his wife Dee. Two of my sons could not make the trip due to work. (and neither could my grandkids make it) Below are photos of my sister Diana, her husband Marty and grandson Taye. And in the below right photo is my sister Cindy with her husband Rick, daughter Danielle, son Dusty, step daughter Callie, Callie's son Jackson and her boyfriend Ryan. (Diana's two children also could not make it due to work but Cindy's entire family were able to make it).

    Next in the left photo below is my sister Joyce with her husband Scott. She has three children but her two sons could not make it. Her daughter Kady did make it to the reunion but did not make it in their family picture. In the photo on the right is my mom, Betty Cartwright with her friend of years, Ray Lynn.

    Also attending the reunion was my dad, Dan Cartwright Jr. with his wife Jeanette. Also in the photo is Jeanette's granddaughter Sara and her baby. In the photo on the right is my dad Dan Cartwright Jr and his brother Richard Cartwright. They were grandsons of Oscar Simmons, who later was married to Mary Lee Simmons. (their step grandmother)

    In the photo below, you can see our excitement at not only seeing our Uncle after 40 years, but also seeing our father and his brother together. On the left is all four of us sisters with our Dad and Uncle Richard. In the right photo is all of us sisters with our MOM.

    In the left photo below is Jeanne Wiseman Larkins with her husband Steve (her kids were all busy) while the photo on the right is Roy Wiseman (Bubba to us) with his wife Leigh and their daughter Ashley. Bubba's son Matthew was unable to attend also. These two represent the Martha Sue Morris Wiseman family.

    Representing the Duncan family was Paula Moss Duncan (middle back) with her daughter Torrey, her husband Jay and their kids Conner and Krysten. Paula has seven siblings but they were all unable to attend this year.

    No one from the James Morris and Charles Morris families were able to attend but we already have promises from some to attend in two years. Also attending were others in the Beard Family that would be attending the Beard Family Reunion held on Sunday, Sept 6th. In the left photo is Beverly Sweisford with her daughters and their husbands. While on the right is Marca Boulton with her great grand kids and Norma and Bobby Goodwin.
    After family photos were taken, it was time to eat. As you can see, the photos show we always have plenty of food.

    Another big event at the reunion was celebrating my mom's 70th birthday. She was presented with a cake, gifts, and cards. She was so happy getting to celebrate her birthday with so many family members around her. Including her four kids.

    After a good night sleep, it was back up for Family Reunion number 2. This reunion would be the Beard Reunion. With 14 siblings born in that family - there would be a lot of people that I didn't know so only I went from my family. My mom, my sister Joyce and her husband also went. It was at Walnut Log - Baptist Church Center, we decided to drive down to the observation deck on the lake for some photos. Below are photos from there. Since we saw a snake on the way - my sister Joyce wouldn't' get out of the car.

    Above on the left of the photo is Marvin, one of the living Beard children. Also still living is Fanny Jo, Geneva, Dale and Beverly. Below are the graves of Eugene and Ollie Beard - the parents of the fourteen children.
    Our grandmother, Mary Lee Simmons is buried at a different cemetery but there are quite a few of the siblings that are buried at the same cemetery or will be buried there. Below Mattie Beard DeHart, J. W. Beard, Don Beard, Waymon Howard Beard and headstones are already there for Fanny Jo and Geneva.

    After the reunion it was back to TN to my moms for some relaxing. The next day would be the long drive back home. We got up early and headed out. Breakfast at McDonald's and then a stop at Wickliffe to tour the Indian Mounds. Below are photos from the Wickliffe Mounds historical site.

    Also there was a 200 yard trail you could take so we did it.

    As I said in the beginning, this was a trip about family. A walk down history's lanes. So I know many of you will just scan through and go on but that is ok. For those of you that are family - hope you enjoyed it. Remember that both reunions are set on the "odd" years and both are Labor Day weekend. So plan ahead for the 2011.

    The End

    1 comment:

    1. Joyce, the snake photo was posted just for YOU!! hahahahahahahahaha


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