Canada(y) Fishing Trip
May 30th thru June 7th, 2011
Bob, Ryan, Gerald, and Fred Canaday(s)
After a big weekend of Canadays at the annual reunion, it was off on the Canaday fishing trip for some of the Canaday men. This fishing trip isn't annual, but it is something that over the years, many of the Canaday men have enjoyed. And this year would be no different. Fred, whos lives in Tennessee, begin the trip on his own before picking up Bob and his father Gerald in Missouri. From there it was a night in Minnesota and off to the airport to pick up Bob's son - Ryan who had flown in from Colorado. Then back on the road to Thunderbay, Canada. A stop that night at a small hotel, rejuvenated them for the long day to follow. Up early the next day, it was off to get groceries for the remote fishing trip and the final drive up to Amstrong, Canada. No, they weren't there yet - but getting close. Next, the final leg - the train ride to the cabin at Allenwater Bridge.
While waiting for the train to arrive (which by the way was very late) they headed over to the Chateau North restaurant to eat and listen to the Cardinals baseball game via internet. It would be their last time to communicate with their families before heading onto the lake in the cabin. Finally, the train arrived and within a hour and a half, they were at Allenwater Bridge and their cabin. Of course, the train just drops you off on the tracks so they had to get the tractor, come pick up all the supplies and get them down to the cabin. Bob & his son volunteered to do that.
The next four days were spent catching fish, cleaning fish, eating fish, and and finding good fishing holes. (the name of their favorite fishing area is the Glory Hole) They did cook, eat, clean, and play a lot of cards. And four Canaday men playing cards can get pretty competitive. But overall, it was a great time of bonding with family living around the states. Some great conversations, meals and fishing. And three generations of Canaday men.
The next four days were spent catching fish, cleaning fish, eating fish, and and finding good fishing holes. (the name of their favorite fishing area is the Glory Hole) They did cook, eat, clean, and play a lot of cards. And four Canaday men playing cards can get pretty competitive. But overall, it was a great time of bonding with family living around the states. Some great conversations, meals and fishing. And three generations of Canaday men.
After fishing, it was back to the long trip home. Yes, train ride to vehicle, then drive to Minnesota, and drop Ryan back at the airport. More driving and the drop Gerald and Bob off in Missouri before Fred headed home to Tennessee. Until the next time - they can enjoy these few pictures and a lot of memories.
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